Chewy Bernedoodle

How to prepare for your Bernedoodle car ride

My parents picked me up in Idaho on September 27th, early in the morning. We drove about 16 hours to sunny California. My parents were as prepared as it can be for a road trip. I’ll share with you guys some things that I learned that day.

Once we got in the car, I was scared, or should I say, curious? Let’s remember that I was 11 weeks old, and at that time, I had been in a car maybe 2-3 times only. Mom put me in her lap, and dad drove most of the time. They started to switch halfway so I could get acclimated to both of them. We stopped a million times for my potty breaks. I threw up once, but mom was prepared. She just felt my belly, and she knew I was about to have an accident. That was it—no pee or poo in the car. I think I did really well for a little puppy.

Potty break with dad

For this ride, mom and dad were prepared with water, towels, leash, blanket, and lots of love. That’s all I needed. My tips for you is not to be scared and try to keep it as natural as possible. Some people recommended us to have me in a crate during the ride, but mom and dad didn’t want to leave me alone in the back of the car for such a long car ride. All puppies wish to is to sleep. Just don’t feed your puppy during the ride, and he/she should be fine. Otherwise, accidents happen; once you got it in your head, everything is more manageable. After a long drive, my mom thought I wouldn’t like the car anymore. Trust me; it didn’t change a thing! I love jumping in the car and going for a little trip every time we have an opportunity.

I love a good car ride

Ah, I almost forgot, parvovirus is real, so avoid public areas where other dogs might have been. We stopped most of the time on the side of the road in small roads or public places, and dad just carried me.

Next, I’ll tell you guys how my first days looked like at home. Stay tuned 🙂

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