Dog Training

How to deal with your Bernedoodle SOCIALIZATION

My forever parents got me when I was 11 weeks old; before that, it is essential to get your puppy well socialized, with other dogs, kids, humans, noises, etc. My socialization started in the car. A long drive home made me get used to the car and the sounds around it, like the turning indicator, for example. 

Car rides are really good if your puppy is not fully vaccinated. You can expose your puppy to different sounds, people, places just by going for a 15min drive. I had my
My first playdate

We got lucky one more time during this path when we found a puppy socialization group at our local PetExpress. This group is so amazing because it is a time for puppies to meet, play, and socialize. My first time at this group was a bit intimidating. I was afraid, and all I did was hiding behind the chair my dad was sitting. It didn’t take me long to realize how fun this was tho. The next time I started to play with the puppies, and soon I upgraded from “shy” class to “twinners,” lol.

Puppy socialization organized by PETS Socials

Walking in our neighborhood was another way to socialize. Every time I was out, a neighbor would walk up to us and pet me, ask things about me, etc.

My parents also brought me to restaurants. Outdoor dining is amazing to socialize your puppy. I got exposed to other dogs, people and had to learn how to sit and watch without interacting (although it was fun in the beginning, now I started to give my parents a little bit of a hard time because I don’t really like to watch and not interact with other dogs). 

My first time at a restaurant, we went to The Pruneyard and it was amazing, I was just watching everyone going by
Walking around my neighborhood, I had to get some sticks and make dad mad and mom proud lol

Socialization is ongoing training. There’s always something new for your puppy to explore. I remember when I got scared when dad removed the barbecue cover or when mom made noise with her guitar. That’s why it’s important to always be patient with your puppy and give him/her time to get used to new things. Don’t expect your puppy to be comfortable with everything. Of course, some puppies’ personalities are more curious, while others are to be shy. Knowing your puppy’s personality and learn how to adapt to the environment for your puppy is the key. 

Good luck with socialization!! 

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